5 Medical Innovations Of the Civil War | Mental Floss
… quickly fell out of favor during the Civil War, even for top officers. … The techniques invented by wartime surgeons—including cutting as far from the heart as possible and never slicing through joints—became the standard.
Surgical Technologist – Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
… medications, and other supplies and equipment necessary during the surgical procedure. They perform … they may go by different titles including Scrub Surgical Technologist or … Surgical technologists were introduced around 1984 in the aftermath of a long civil war that had …
Amputations In Military Surgery – Civil War
The Call For Amputations During The Civil War. Medicine on the battlefield during the Civil War was crude at times and good at best. With only a surgeon or two with an assistant surgeon to a regiment there was a good chance the wounded would severely overwhelm the medical personnel.
Surgical Tools | Medical Equipment | German Instruments …
Surgical Tools | Medical Equipment | German Instruments | Supplies. Search. Register | Login. Hello, Guest. Home; About Us; Contact Us; FAQs; News; My Account; Shopping Cart (0 items) Specialty. ANESTHESIA; CARDIO / THORACIC; DENTAL; DERMATOLOGY; E.N.T. GENERAL SURGERY; HAND SURGERY;